Antique and vintage tricycle information, history and identification. Tricycle sales The Site for Everything Tricycle | Antique and vintage tricycle information, history and identification News

  • Click here for full eBay auctions of tricycles and related items.

  • Check out our Fakes & Reproductions page before you buy your next tricycle on eBay!

  • Tricycle Price Guide now available in beta version for $5 - click HERE.

  • New pages added!  We've added some new pages to our list of tricycle manufacturers.  They can be found HERE.  More info to be added daily on antique and vintage tricycles.

  • We are currently buying antique and vintage tricycle parts.  If you have used parts, whole tricycles or New-Old-Stock NOS parts that you want to sell, please email us at [email protected].


Select Antique Tricycle eBay Auctions:



   New to




Within the next few months we will be offering an online antique and vintage tricycle price guide with information on thousands of tricycles and values.  Find out more info about your tricycle and what it's worth!




We've also begun work work on an online tricycle superstore.  We get many requests for parts and vintage tricycles, so we're going to try to help out by offering a one-stop shop for tricycle parts and supplies for restoration as well as a full line of brand new trikes from leading manufacturers.  We hope to have our tricycle store online and live by Christmas.


We have posted hundreds of real photos of children and adults and their tricycles....everthing from the earliest wooden tricycle to Machine Age cast aluminum framed trikes.

Pre-1900         1900-1920's

1930-50's        1960-today  


Welcome to

As you might have noticed, we've made some changes to our site recently.  Our previous format was not conducive to frequent updates.  Over the next few months we will be updating the site with thousands of pictures of tricycles, a tricycle price guide and even a tricycle store. is the leading online site for antique and vintage tricycle information on the web.  We have been gathering information for about five years now.  And we're still looking for more.  Anyone with any photos, information, or copies of catalogs or literature can share them with us and the world by emailing the info to [email protected].

      If you plan on selling a nice trike on eBay, let us know the auction number and we'll make your trike our Tricycle of the Week.   We're also always looking for good restoration projects to profile.  If you've done a restoration lately, email us with some pictures and info on the job and we'll post it on our homepage!

Got a cool trike that you're about to list on  

eBay?  Let us know the auction number and we

may make your trike our Tricycle of the week!


Upcoming Events


October 7 - Trexlertown Bicycle Show and Swap Meet - Trexlertown, PA

                                              (570) 784-8877

October 26-27 - Memory Lane Classics Swap Meet - Grand Rapids, Ohio


February 2nd - Hoosier Antique & Classic Bicycle Club Winter Swap Meet - 

                                          Indianapolis, Indiana

April 11th - Copake Annual Swap Meet - Copake, New York

April 12th - Annual Copake Antique Bicycle Auction - Copake, New York

April 27th - 28th Annual Ann Arbor/Saline Classic Bicycle Show and Swap


Got an event you'd like posted, email us at [email protected].

  Below we are testing Google's new YouTube video embed program, if videos are showing that are unrelated to tricycles.....well, I guess you can watch them or ignore them.  Hopefully we will soon have only tricycle related videos shown.


Watch the latest videos on

For more info or to submit a story, info or pictures, email:  [email protected]

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